Mama’s we’ve all heard it. Standing in the grocery store line, walking around the block, in the waiting room at the doctor’s office. “Enjoy it, because it goes too fast”. I remember hearing this when my firstborn was a baby and to be honest, I didn’t believe it. It felt like every day was so long. Enjoyable and lovely, but long. We get into this “baby fog” and every day feels like the same, until it’s not. When you look back at photos, you really get slapped in the face with how quickly your newborn transitions to a baby, then a toddler, then a big kid headed off to school. My oldest is turning 14 in next month so don’t even get me started…
This little one was one of my pandemic babies, who had a newborn session booked and then we experienced (yet again) another lockdown. So we ended up choosing to re-schedule her session to my next favourite age – sitter! A 6 (or 7) month sitter session is a great time to document baby. By this time they have visibly changed so much since they were newborn and they are very interactive and expressive. At 6 months baby isn’t experiencing “stranger danger” yet so I’m usually able to get big smiles and lots of happy photos. As a bonus, baby isn’t able to walk yet so it’s easier and less tiring to capture them in a studio. Baby N was full of facial expressions, leg rolls, elbow dimples and shining happy eyes. I had a wonderful time meeting her and her parents.
Contact me to get on my calendar with a sitter session. You won’t regret it!

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