This sweet family came to me as a referral from another baby client. I love that! It is the best compliment when families pass on my name to their expecting friends. 🙂
Baby J was absolutely adorable. They came all the way from Toronto because they loved my simple and natural style of photographing newborn babies. Sometimes when babies have a long car ride to my studio, they tend to spend a bit more time alert and awake during the session because they usually have a nice deep sleep on the ride over. This handsome boy was clearly the exception! He slept the entire time and was so easy going. We actually had to work a bit to wake him up at the end of the session so we could get one photo with his eyes open. 🙂
I’m so pleased with the collection of images we captured. Baby J’s Mama was really excited for the baby on black, womb like images I take. I’m so glad we were able to make that happen during our nice time together. Here are some favourites from their gallery.

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